New Reason to Check Out Kindle Vella

Do you read books on Kindle Vella? You should! In case you’ve never heard of it, simply put, Kindle Vella is a platform for serialized (or episodic) books. You pay “tokens” to read, and there are books of every genre there.

And, the big news is that they just changed the rules…I think, for the better. It used to be that the first few episodes were free before you had to pay tokens, and each episode’s token cost depended on the length of the episode.

Now, the first ten episodes are FREE! Every episode after that will be 10 tokens, no matter what, so readers can more easily calculate how much the full book will cost.

My Vella book – The Flower of House Yorux, a sci-fi romance – is 28 episodes. That means you can read over one-third of the story for free! I hope you check it out, along with all the other great content available on Vella.

But no matter where you read, I just want you to, as always, go read a book! 📚

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